Upload a .dat file from a desktop

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Upload a .dat file from a desktop

Post by ted »

I ran the paragoagent from the desktop on a machine. A warning said that it failed to update and that i should refer to the website for details on how to place the info in my school site.

Please help
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Re: Upload a .dat file from a desktop

Post by Neil »

Uploading a file manually is done from the ParagoAgent section:

    Login and enter the Asset manager main menu.

    Enter the ParagoAgent section.

    At the bottom of the page you will see "Manual Upload". Click on the Browse button and find ParagoAgent.dat on your desktop. Click upload and when you go into the Infrastructure you should now be able to place the item.
Note: Items are only visible to be placed if you are in a place that can hold a computer, such as a room.

If the agent isn't able to upload you should check that your proxy details for the agent are configured correctly. Click show advanced options in the agent download, if they wrong then correct them and download the agent again with the new settings.
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