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BETT Awards 2007

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 10:00 am
by Neil
BETT Awards 2007
26th July 06: Theale, UK

Parago®, Asset Discovery and Software Licensing Manager, entered into the BETT Awards 2007

IT Vision entered their Asset Discovery and Software Licensing Manager system, Parago®, to the BETT Awards 2007 under the category of Supporting Institutional Leadership and Management Solutions.

The aim of this award is to reward exemplary software solutions specifically designed to support leadership and management. It focuses on promotion of learning by solving particular problems faced by institutional managers in educational environments.

Parago® was designed with the education sector in mind, to fulfill a requirement for an easy, automated auditing system. Educational managers now have the ability to make informed decisions on ICT procurement for efficient use of ICT within the teaching and learning environment.

About IT Vision

“At IT Vision we strive to develop products that actually meet all the requirements of a modern educational environment. With Parago® we feel we have this product! I hope our entry into the BETT awards reflects our work, dedication and pride into producing a ‘best-in-class’ product for education,” says Hannah Keane, Marketing Manager IT Vision.


The founders of IT Vision identified a requirement whilst working alongside a number of government agencies, schools and local authorities. Recognising that the Government has invested millions in IT, it became apparent that records were absent or difficult to audit. Current asset management solutions were either too complicated to use or expensive to justify against cost.

The first system to be released by IT Vision is Parago® the first web-based Asset Discovery and Software Licensing system. Product development was directly influenced by the education institutions and authorities on a step by step basis. This unique relationship with all clients continues today and is central to IT Vision’s success.

Company spokespeople and contacts:

Hannah Keane – Marketing Manager
Tim Roots - Director

Tel: 0118 902 6810