Birmingham are adopting Parago for all 450 schools

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Birmingham are adopting Parago for all 450 schools

Post by Neil »

Birmingham, Europe's largest Metropolitan Borough, are adopting Parago for all 450 primary and secondary schools.

Andy Jackson, Head of IT – Schools for Birmingham LEA discusses the problems they faced:

“We had implemented a self-service audit on our schools’ intranet to try and keep abreast of what was happening in schools’ investment in kit. Problems with this are that schools have to make a conscious decision to actually complete the audit and then keep it up to date. With the best will in the world this won’t be a priority for schools and it adds yet another tier of burden they can well do without… and, like any census, it is out of date as soon as it is completed.

Parago brings an easy to use, developed for schools, real time and instantly up to date audit and inventory tool at a value for money price to help schools manage this major investment area. For us supporting schools it means we have detailed information down to machine level for when things go wrong. At a strategic level we have all the information we need to be able to assess how Birmingham schools are meeting the grant targets and remove yet another burden when it comes to making returns. So “win, win” all round as far as we can see.”

Full case study to follow.
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