Springfield Secondary School, Portsmouth

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Springfield Secondary School, Portsmouth

Post by Nick »

"IT Vision listened to all our ideas and those of many other schools and we have been both amazed and impressed at how receptive IT Vision is to developing their product and to getting new ideas implemented. Any problem that we had using or understanding the product was swiftly dealt with. For example we already had our assets listed in csv format and we were not keen to input this data manually. Within a couple of days IT Vision had taken this fact on board and implemented a way of importing data into their system. The open minded and co-operative approach has led to the creation of an excellent product that allows you to easily input assets, track them and plan efficiently. I don't think any school should be without it. The projected pricing structure is very reasonable and once compared with the massive time saving of data tracking, auditing and planning can very easily be justified. It took our technician 3 weeks to track the machines that we have in school for the last audit. The time save on this alone would more than justify the price. An excellent product."

Simon Marsden
Springfield Secondary School, Portsmouth
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